The Evil Nature of Pornography

I am 85 years of age and I have never ever preached on this topic before, due to its sensitive nature even amongst Christians.

I am not a Psychologist nor an expert on dealing with this subject and some may say “then why in the world are you trying to address it now?”

I have grandsons!

I came across pornography quite by accident many years ago when my wife an I had just booked into a holiday appartment on the Gold Coast.

My wife had just retired to prepare for a nights sleep.

I switched on the TV for the late news and before I realised what was happening, there before my eyes was the most graphic pornographic video of humans copulating.

I watched for a few minutes and to be honest I found it difficult to believe that self respecting human beings, would engage in such practices in front of a camera for public broadcast & viewing.

I couldn’t believe my eyes!

It was graphic and revolting!

Apparently the night before the previous tenants had failed to switch off the video and the shut down mechanism had failed on the holiday apartment network.

Just imagine if it was a child who switched on the TV that night?

Pornography by its very nature is noxious, virulent, pernicious and addictive.

It’s virulent nature effects the lives of young men in particular and so I feel compelled to write about it to protect my grandsons from its evil seduction.

Statistically I am told that a 70% of the data on the Internet comprises pornography.

It is a true saying  that “researching evil practices is a dangerous exercise.”

When I went to Papua New Guinea as a young missionary in 1961

I attempted to research & explore the culture of the people to which I was sent to preach the gospel.

In the name of ‘Anthropology and Research’ I tried to  inform myself about certain ancient tribal cultural practices.

In so doing, I unwittingly exposed myself to what I can only describe as ‘spiritually demonic and sadistically evil.’

Witnessing an initiation rite which included violence upon young men which I won’t describe, was a regrettable experience to which I now regret attending!

I had no authority to voice or forbid what was going on.

I was a guest of the village chief and volitionally chose to enter the Haus Tamberan and be an observer to an ancient cultural fertility rite!

After viewing the male only initiation fertility ceremony from the inside of a Haus Tamberan or ‘Spirit House’, I came away feeling spiritually defiled.

A curtain of ‘darkness’ came over me!

If you want to read that story, check out the link in the Index: From Heathendom to Christianity.

Such was the scale of the violation, I even felt my Agfa Camera had been polluted as well. Smile if you wish!

I recall driving home to the Mission Station at Maprik after the event in my old Jeep and prayed.

“Lord forgive me I have sinned and allowed my mind & spirit to be violated by evil.”

It’s like a bad dream or experience that is out of your control that you can’t seem to forget!

Subliminal feelings of pain & guilt swept over my emotions.

I felt defiled!

In a similar way viewing pornography will do that to the human soul.

Now I am no authority as I said on the subject of the dangers of pornography but I can tell you, in my opinion, the fall out is tragic and dreadful.

In my work as a Pastor & observing the lives of men, who have become addicted to its evil power.

It  has left a trail of heartache and destruction which is frightening to say the least.

In my opinion for what it’s worth, I believe the spate of domestic violence and death of women that is ravaging couples in our country, can be directly related to the subconscious effect of unfullfilled sexual expectations which is fuelled by Pornography and Alcohol.

Some years ago I was ministering to a young man who had been caught up in alcohol, drugs, pornography & homosexuality.

He surrendered his life to Christ and was gloriously transformed.

For some years he lived a victorious christian life and overcame by the power of his new affection for Jesus – Christ in him!

Sadly after a few years of victorious living he was lured back by alcohol into pornography & homosexuality.

He was a lovely guy but sadly took his own life in a drug overdose and was found in a kneeling position at his bedside in his isolated flat.

He may have been praying? God only knows!

Personally I choose to believe I’ll meet him again in eternity, as God knew his heart.

His story moved me to write this brief blog!

I have ministered to some over the years and I suspect the problem is even greater today.

You see pornography is a mind altering drug and its power leaves with tragic consequences.

I don’t want to appear as judgemental or legalistic, as too many are struggling with this addiction.

Another factor that drives this in our culture, even in Christian circles is loneliness.

(By the way, in my opinion Alcohol is often the brain altering drug that dulls the inbuilt moral resistance to pornography.)

That’s why Pastors should be total abstainers, as they are role models in our society.

Recently I came across these two ‘G’ rated public broadcast videos that try to address the issue.

The first is by a Jewish Rabbi which was broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Commission on its Q & A program.

The other is taken from a Seventh Day Adventist TV broadcast.

In Conclusion, If I may say so Pornography is a mind altering pleasure that many in todays world pass off as another form of entertainment.

It’s very nature is to re program the human mind.

In my opinion it is a spiritual tool of the devil to destroy the institution of marriage & family and is very dangerous & pernicious.

Take a look at this (13 minute) video of a Qantas Pilot who struggled with a life long addiction to Pornography.

Feel free to share if you wish!

Ultimately the only power that can overcome pornography

in ones life is the

Expulsive Power of a New Affection.

And that is, a revelation of Jesus and His love.

One Response to “The Evil Nature of Pornography”

  1. Lisa Leavitt Says:

    I think we may have some common ancestors through the Bell family. I’d love to reach out and explore this possibility with you.

    Lisa Shaw Leavitt

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