100 Yr. Celebration -The Klemzig Years.

November 11th, 2022

The Years of Consolidation. What caused the Church to Grow?

One of the defining features that was significant in the church’s growth, was the weekly cooperate prayer meetings of the Church and its Leaders.

Unlike some churches of today that have sought growth through secular marketing, community care programs or health & educational institutions.

While modern methods & institutions have their place, it is prayer that provides the spiritual power to draw people to the House of God.

I recall talking with a prominent self promoting church leader, who happened to be visiting Adelaide while we were in the midst of the building program of the Paradise church.

In a somewhat patronising and disparaging manner he expressed amazement at the success of my brother’s ministry.

Not known as a narcissistic leader but a humble servant of God, my brother Andrew confounded them all in their quest for church growth success and the status that it brings.

He simply went about his calling, doing God’s will and living a committed life style of Prayer, Faith, and careful Financial Management.

It was this humble commitment to Prayer & Faith that bonded the Ministry Team together and became a significant factor in the churches growth.

The amazing unity that prevailed amongst the Ministry team and the Board of the church was palpable.

There seemed to be an unspoken consciousness or ethos of being called together as a team for such a time as this.

Few if any wanted to promote their personal agenda, focusing rather on what was best for the church.

Self denial by team members, resisted negativity and refusing to engage in conflict was perhaps a hallmark.

The Church Board was very supportive of the pastors and was a great encouragement to us all.

The Board had confidence in the senior pastor, his steady leadership and non big spending tendencies.

A ‘VIP culture’ was unheard of!

He chose his team wisely and encouraged his Board regularly.

A special mention of John Pitman would be in order, as it was primarily his expertise, business acumen and hard work that the huge church auditorium at Paradise was built.

A newly graduated Commonwealth Bible College student by the name of Paul Newsham joined the team in 1973 as an assistant pastor.

Paul was a capable worship and song leader and a good preacher having learned the craft of preaching on the streets of Brisbane during the days when ‘openair’ preaching was a popular means of evangelism.

Paul at the very outset of his ministry felt called to serve Andrew and became a much valued long term personal assistant doing his bidding at all times.

Paul was a great asset to Andrew and was greatly appreciated.

He served faithfully on the team for over 25 years.

A young professional by the name of  Harry Leesment joined the team in 1976.

He was uniquely gifted in the area of discipleship training.

He wrote a Counsellor Training Manual for local Church counsellors and Home fellowship leaders which was also widely circulated throughout the Assemblies of God fellowship in Australia.

As a result of his input, a high percentage of new converts connected with the church & were baptised.

In my opinion his work of setting up Home Fellowships and training leaders to care for new converts was the linchpin of the success of retaining new converts in those days.

After leaving the Paradise ministry team in 1988 Harry & Jackie Leesment went on to Pastor a Church in the city of Canberra, before turning their considerable talents to Missionaries service in Estonia, which was his place of birth.

Then a young dynamic Art teacher by the name of Tim Hall was converted in a Sunday night service at Klemzig in 1974 under Ps. Andrew’s ministry.

A few years later Andrew saw the potential in him and invited him to join the Youth ministry team in 1978.

For the next three years Tim’s charismatic personality, leadership and team grounding prepared him for his life’s calling.

The rest is history as Evangelist Tim Hall went on to pioneer churches in Bendigo, Murray Bridge, Geelong & Life Point Marion in Adelaide, before following the call on his life and became one of Australia’s foremost Pentecostal Itinerant Evangelists.

He travelled the world conducting Crusades in many countries resulting in hundreds of thousands being converted to Christ under his Pentecostal anointed ministry.

His recent published book “Giant Killers” may be purchased through his web site. see Tim Hall Ministries

Pastor Danny Guglielmucci is another leader birthed out of Paradise.

He came on staff in 1984 and commenced as the Youth leader in 1985. Under his leadership the youth group grew expeditiously.

At its peak over 500 young people gathered each week. For ten years Danny served as Youth Pastor, a record.

He was a dapper young Italian who worked in the clothing industry or “rag trade” as it was called.

I would often visit him to encourage him to consider the Ministry and at the same time buy my suits from his clothing store.

Danny was much loved by the youth and the church in general.

His formative years were in the Italian church, being the son of the pastor.

Before he was appointed Youth Pastor he actively participated in the music of the church and graduated from the Adelaide Bible College under Pastor Bill Hilbig’s leadership.

Pastor Danny resigned from Paradise in 1994 and commenced what is now known as the Edge Church.

Today Pastor Danny is one of Australia’s formost Christian Leaders and founded the largest church in the southern suburbs of Adelaide. (www.edgechurch.com)

Ps Phil Ward was another valued member of the team who joined the pastoral staff in 1982 from a Baptist/Brethren background.

Phil had been wonderfully Baptized in the Holy Spirit and significantly had great faith to pray for others to receive Acts 2:4.

He was instrumental in seeing hundreds of new converts being followed up and filled with the Spirit – ‘speaking in other tongues.’

He was given the portfolio of ministering to New Christians.

After leaving the church at Paradise Ps Phil & Glenys Ward took up ministry in Geelong Victoria at www.gatewayinternationalchurch.com

Their daughter & son in law are currently the senior pastors.

Another member who was much respected as the theologian of the team was Ps Bill Hilbig.

He was the Principal of the Adelaide Bible College which later became known as the Paradise College of Ministries.

Many a young person was trained in the Bible College and quite a number went on into full time Ministry.

When Ps Hilbig suddenly passed away a young Greg Johnston took over the reigns and became the Principal.

He is currently the longest serving minister on the team, having served for 40 years I believe.

There were others who were pastors on staff during this period of great growth,  who served and lectured in the Bible College ministry as well.

Ps Roy Brake was a much loved pastor and prayer support to Ps Andrew. He was also the Chaplain to the Royal Ranger ministry.

Amongst all these full-time pastors was a lady who kept the “ship afloat” as they say.

Her name was Betty Greaves who served full-time as the Church Administrator from 1974 – 1991 over 17 years.

Her dedication and commitment to the cause of Christ remained steadfast throughout the years of great growth. I honour her!

In 1973 I spent 3 months of my furlough supporting Andrew at Klemzig, before eventually resigning as a missionary to Papua New Guinea and joining the team in 1976 with my young family.

Under my brother Ps. Andrew Evans’ leadership, each one of us on the ministry team felt greatly valued.

We counted it a privilege to be a part of what God was doing in the community through the church.

Personally I felt empowered and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of preaching and teaching the Word of God.

I guess because of my love for music I enjoyed leading the congregation in a symphony of praise & worship each Sunday.

I believe positive Worship, supported by spirit led Music is one of the key elements that attract people to a church.

At Klemzig & Paradise the music and worship just flowed together.

Thea Kreik was a great blessing to the church in this department.

Her free flowing style and sensitivity to the moving of the Holy Spirit, along with her ability to change key and direction at any time was an enabling factor in creating a spiritual atmosphere of faith and love.

I for one will never forget her brilliance in departing from the agreed script to follow a song of the Spirit that I felt we should sing.

Without missing a beat she would extemporise and make it happen.

It was wonderful even though it had not been planned or practiced.

I honour her and thank her for the years of voluntary service she gave to the church!

Others like Ross Curtis, Jimmy Donaldson, Lorraine Evans and many other instrumentalist played their part in the harmonious team of the music ministry.

They were happy days indeed!

One hymn that I give Thea Kreik credit for making very popular was called ‘O Happy Day’.

She made me look good as she tickled the ivories as the congregation enthusiastically sang O Happy Day!

Somehow through her piano playing she could bring an atmosphere of joy into a song.

The friendship amongst the music staff and the cooperation that could be called upon, helped created a dynamic atmosphere in the church services.

I believe it was a significant contribution to the Church’s growth.

Not only was there great Worship but Solo & Choir items were delivered in a professional and spiritual manner.

The  ‘Charisma’ choir along with solo artists like Winston Kay were all class and brought an atmosphere of spiritual worship as they sang under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

All this took place prior to this digital age of high tech instrumentation and accessories.

One of my favourite Gospel artists was Winston Kay who regularly sang in church services and our TV broadcasts.

At the height of the revival  a TV programme called “It’s A New Day” was broadcast each week.

In Conclusion I would quickly add that there were many others factors and ministries that were instrumental in the growth of the church.

One of which was the unsung Children’s Ministry, led by my dear wife Betty Evans.

She gave herself unstintingly to the Children’s ministry of the Church.

She put together some amazing children’s programs including the famous Music Machine Musical, which captivated the adoring families who watched their children perform.

There were many volunteer teachers in these primary ministries and it would be true to say ‘this ministry to the children of the church set it up for its future  growth.’

Another significant children’s Ministry that had lasting fruit was Royal Rangers led by Commander Ron Sloan.

It would be wrong to conclude that it was the pastoral team that caused the great growth of the Church.

In my opinion, if it were not for the united team and hundreds of volunteers who served willingly each week, the church would never have grown to what we see today.


In saying that and looking back, I have come to the conclusion

that it was a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit.

As Ps Andrew would always say “To God be all the Glory”!

Here for the history buffs is a video of interest!




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