The Story of Fred & Betty Evans
My father was a proud Welshman who gave each member of his family the EVANS Family Crest wiih the Welsh Coat of Arms before he died.
Although he was born in Devon England, he talked with fond memory about his youth as a coal miners son in the Cwmbach Colliery of South Wales where he worked when he left school at 14.
It was in his teenage years at the age of 17, that Thomas Lever Evans’ story really began.
He was converted to Christ under the ministry of Welsh Evangelist Stephen Jeffreys, and from then on his life took on a new purpose & direction.
He became a pentecostal missionary to India where he met and married my mother Stella Prior Wheaton (an Australian missionary) and served for 27 years.
He was an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God movement and preached his last sermon at the age of 96.

His life story can be read in the book “To Run With His Promises” by Elizabeth Evans.
It was 1995 at my mothers grave at the Enfield Lawn Cemetery Adelaide, South Australia, where we the children & grandchildren of Tom & Stella Evans had gathered, that I realized what an incredible heritage my parents were handing on to us their children.
For the first time in our adult lives we were all together in one place for a family photo.

Tom & Stella had four children, Eirwen, Andrew, Freddie and Evelyn.
Eirwen was born in Wales, Andrew & Evie were born in India & Freddie was born in Adelaide.

This is the story of their second son Frederick Christian Lever Evans “Freddie” who married Elizabeth Bell “Betty”. |