Vision Radio Interviews Ps Fred Evans

Its time to write my monthly Saturday Evening Post, only this time I want to experiment with an audio format to see how effective it is!

This audio pod cast was taken from a breakfast interview which was recently broadcast on a program called Morning Café with Shelley of Vision Christian Radio.

It covers a lot more information than I am able to write in this blog, so take a listen and tell me what you think…….

For information about Vision Christian Radio: 

My early years growing up in India left me with mixed memories.

On the one hand, I recall the wonderful boyhood friendships that I made with some of the children of the church where my parents ministered.

On the other hand, the sadness and deprivation I saw among the poorer people and slum dwellers that we came across near the places where we lived.

Returning to Australia in the early 1950s my father pastored a church in Adelaide.

Part of my early training was to attend “Open Air Meetings” as they were called.

It was in these street meetings that I learned to deal with my self consciousness and fear of public embarrassment! 

It was also the place where I learnt to preach the Gospel.

In my teenage years I got a lot of pleasure singing in a male voice quartet.

One of my claims to fame, was cutting the 1st Australian gospel quartet recording on a 78 rpm acetate record. I was 17! 

Take a listen to this scratchy old track from the record I’m holding below which was sung acapella style.

That claim may be disputed by some, but to my knowledge it is the only male voice gospel recording made in Australia that I know of, in that era.

In the 1950s most christian recordings came out of America.

We called ourselves the “Maranatha Messengers” and we were good, at least I thought so!

Later we went to Bible School and became well known in Brisbane as we sang in churches, Youth for Christ rallies, camp meetings and special events. It was fun!

Our home church which sent us with their blessing to Bible School, later became known as Paradise Community Church and is now called Influences Church. See: 

While in Bible College I received the call of God to be a missionary. It prepared the direction for the rest of my life.

You need to listen to the podcast to hear that story.

After graduation I went to Papua New Guinea and began the happiest years of my life.

I explored the great jungles & villages near Maprik and worked hard in evangelism and church planting.

During this time I was instrumental in pioneering and building churches, including a christian school for the children of the mountain villages at a place called Bambera.

This Assemblies of God school under the auspices of the Evangelical Alliance, is fully funded by the PNG Government with over 400 children attending regularly.

In conclusion, I need to tell you the story of how I met my wife which was a question asked of me during the radio podcast.

If you have the time, you may like to read that story in full from the link below? 

How I Met My Wife?

This is a story of a very ordinary young man with an extraordinary God. 

One of my father’s favourite sayings was:

“Give yourself to God & He will give Himself to you”.

Through the dark valleys and the hilltops God has done just that.

May the Lord bless you and give you peace in Jesus Name!

3 Responses to “Vision Radio Interviews Ps Fred Evans”

  1. Jeune Mcintyre Says:

    Thank you Pastor Fred , I look forward to Sat Evening Post . “Give your
    self to GOD and HE will give HIMSELF to you ” wonderful words.

  2. Bill Lee Says:

    Dear Pastor Evans,

    You are a legend. I have heard of you and read about you in the AOG “Evangel” when I was young in the 1980s. Thank you for sharing so much AOG in Australia/ACC church history on your website.

    Yours in Christ,
    Bill Lee

  3. Fred and Betty Evans Says:

    Thank you Bill I appreciate your feedback. Blessings to you and your family. Fred

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