Domestic Violence

September 7th, 2024

It was very sad to hear on the news the solution presented by polititions to answer the problem of domestic violence in Australia.

A  very substantial amount of money was offered to “fix” the problem.

Now, experience tells us that a large proportion of that money will line the pockets of the lawyers and legal institutions. 

Providing services and places for women to run, may in fact,  expatiate the problem.

This could leave in its wake, more very angry men.

(Perhaps half way places could also be provided for men who are angry, drunk or high on drugs.)

The violence  in men probably occurs at the end line of frustration and unhappiness.

The “happy go lucky”Australian man is not violent by nature but  it seems something is increasingly making him angry.

A good starting place to  find answers  to the problem of domestic violence would be to survey the emotional well being of men to ascertain why men are angry.

Media  reports could also include a reply from the man.”Why are you angry?”

Its easy to blame alcohol and drugs for the problem but perhaps men are using alcohol and drugs to compensate for their very unhappy lives.

We are informed in detail of the woman’s suffering but we do not hear both sides of the story from the man.

I think a good place to start is to set up a forum where men could tell their stories as to why they are angry.

Australia needs deep research into the “why” of men’s anger.

I notice that men are often in bad situations when marriages break up.

Wives sometimes flourish.

For example it sometimes occurs that a woman meets someone at work who can offer socially and financially more than the man she married.

She divorces, and gets the children.

As the father wants the children to be stable, he  also gives her the house.

He sees his children now and then until she finds an excuse to disallow that.

The new man moves into the house and takes over the Dad role in the children’s lives.

The real Dad is still paying the mortgage and child support.

Financially he cannot move on.

He sees his wife and her new man and his children enjoying his house, and his children, driving  in his car, and frolicking at the beach or walking in the forrest!

He feels angry!

Perhaps someone in media could take up the cause and hear stories from the men so as to get a clear picture of domestic violence in Australia.

It is then, that politicians and law makers will have a clearer picture to shape laws to protect both parties.

Perhaps when a marriages breaks up both men and women could be required by law to refrain from having a new partner for at least 5 years.

This would elevate some of the hurt from women put aside for someone else, and the anger from men who are discarded,  and the confusion and loss suffered by the children.

There could also be a review of financial assets.

Perhaps when a new man enters the man’s family he should also take on the responsibility for the children; including child support.

Of course we old folk know where the real problem starts!

Our society has thrown out the ten commandments, given away Sunday school and  the moral teaching from the Bible.

Mostly though, the life giving law of love through Jesus Christ is not sought and found.

When women are being killed by violent men, it is true that men are dying in large numbers by suicide.

It is a brave politician who will look into this truism!!


PS. There is no place for physical violence EVER.

The only answer is to live for Jesus!