Archive for October, 2010

October 2010 – College Reunion

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

What a fantastic month October has been. Our Dams are overflowing and torrential rain brought floods to south east Queensland. Over 200mm of pouring rain fell on our house over a two days period. It was just so pleasant to hear the steady rain on the roof as we lay in bed at night or sat in our lounge room during the day having our devotions together and watching the  rain drench the Eucalyptus trees in our forest. Nature doing its work to replenish the earth was an exhilarating experience. Our pool overflowed and overflowed down into the forest below us. The front lawn looked a picture, it had just been fertilised and our garden looks as green as green. The timing was perfect, but of coarse to balance the picture one must remember that weeds also flourish after the wet. In fact Betty & I have just finished weeding Bindi’s from the front lawn and have filled four buckets full of these prickly pests. So much for the rain!

.The month of October has been exciting in other ways also. It was the occasion of the reunion of our graduating College class of 1960, thats 50 years ago! It just seems like yesterday when as a fresh faced Bible College graduate, I sang in the College Choir the “Hallelujah Chorus” at our graduation on the historic stage of the Glad Tidings Tabernacle in Brisbane. What a grand occasion it was as in those days the dress code for church was nothing but the best. The ladies wore their gorgeous hats and the men in their suits and ties. Interestingly you only see that now days at a Wedding or the Melbourne Cup! Four years later it was in the same venue where I wished I could have sung it again on our wedding day. Graduation day was also the last time our male voice quartet sang together. Here we are singing a cappella If We Ever Needed the Lord. Two of our members are with the Lord, so I wonder if the next time we sing will it be at the “marriage supper of the lamb?” Now wouldn’t that be “cool” as my grand kids call it. Of the twelve of us who graduated in 1960 nine of us remain and what a joy it was to catch up again after all those years. We met at  Ron & Joan Dayman’s home at Margate, and later went to a “trendy” little restaurant at the sea side suburb of Scarborough to celebrated Dinner together. In attendance to our surprise was the Principle of the Alphacrucis College in Sydney, Ps. & Mrs Steve Fogarty and Alphacrusic Development Officer Ps. Jeremy Hodson.  They came along specially to honour us and kindly paid for the meal. How good is that? To research information about this College click on As we ate and talked among ourselves, I felt a great sense of humility and amazement that God would use us in so many ways and places for the furtherance of His Kingdom. The next day we attended the Queensland State Conference at Calvary Buderim and were duly honoured again by a standing ovation of the assembled delegates. We were each given a certificate of appreciation to commemorate the event. The Conference was the largest ever in attendance and the reports are that pentecostal ripples continue to reach churches throughout the State. Pastor John Hunt was elected as the new President of the Australian Christian Churches (AOG) in Queensland. Looking back over 50 years of the journey seems just like yesterday. I have written about Training for Ministry on a separate page. To view some more pictures of Bible School life click on the page : About Training For Ministry 1958 – 1960

.Another surprise that came our way in October was the visit of our son David who came home from America with a new friend, Rachel (Rachee) White. It was delight to meet and get to know this beautiful young lady. David had to return to Australia for Visa purposes and decided to introduce to us Rachee. David is on staff at the Calvary Orlando Assembly of God in Florida. Presently they are engaged and working through the process of preparing for their future. We pray that God will bless and guide them. While in Australia David received the good news that he was granted a work Visa to live in America and serve in Calvary Assembly. This is difficult to achieve, so he is rejoicing but it means we wont be seeing him as often in Australia. If you are interested in viewing the Calvary web site click on to : Calvary Orlando Please continue to pray for him and his only daughter Elle who resides here in Brisbane with her mother.

As I conclude this post I would like to call on those in the household of faith who believe in the miraculous to pray for my sister in law Lorraine Evans who is suffering from Bone Cancer. The Bible says Luke 1:37 & Luke 18:27. 
My brother Andrew posted on Face book the following request on October 16th. :

Dear Friends, One of South Australia’s leading bone specialists spoke to us on Friday that there is nothing they can do for Lorraine except control pain. She is wheel chair bound, dispite this we are both full of hope for a miracle. Please pray for her daily as we believe that the prayer of faith shall save the sick & the Lord will raise her up. Our love Andrew & Lorraine.

.Well thats it for this month. If the aledged predictions of Anna Bligh are correct then we can expect at least five cyclones this season. So batten down the hatches and pray for us!